About Us
Holisticly harness just in time technologies via corporate scenarios.
Launched in 2007, our Internationally-accredited Retail Academy embodies our vision of "Inspiring Excellence in Retail." Whether in luxury Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle, Customer Experience, or Commercial skills, we refine your talent to deliver an unparalleled luxury experience to our customers.
Trending Retail Terminology Glossary
The retail industry is constantly evolving, and so is the terminology used within the sector. Our A-Z guide takes you through trending retail terms you need to know. You are in the business of retail, and you need to keep up with the ...
The A-Z: Active Ingredient Skincare Glossary
This skincare glossary is designed to standardize the way we understand and speak about skincare, by shedding light on skincare terms used in today’s industry. For all beauty lovers and enthusiasts who have a passion for skincare, ...
Fashion Curriculum - Beyond Threads
The fashion industry is one of the biggest, yet most challenging industries impacted by hundreds of factors, including economic uncertainties and digital transformation. In response to this new digital wave, consumer ...
Fashion Talks
A community for Fashion Afficionados with exclusive activities including Panel Talks, Guest speakers, Masterclasses, Film club and Fashion Sketching Classes etc. These activities and events will be organised by the Retail Academy...
Clienteling Toolkit
Clienteling has dominated the luxury retail space for many years. It is also becoming more relevant in today’s digital transformation.
With clienteling, we seek to establish meaningful relationships between us and the customer. ...
Retail Field Coaching
The essence of coaching is raising awareness and responsibility to unlock potential and maximize performance, performed by partnering with retail leaders in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to ...
A Week of Tanagra
A full day of workshops for Tanagra employees covering aspects of Art de Vivre, applied through hands-on workshops and activities.
The objective is to motivate the team and give them the space to learn by doing.
Carolina Herrera x CU
A learning Collaboration created by Chalhoub University for Carolina Herrera consisting of a series of in-store activities with the aim of increasing the use of CX, Clienteling and Fashion Knowledge directly on the Shop Floor.
Level x CU
A learning collaboration created for Level Shoes by Chalhoub University which involves motivational activities as well as behavioural trainings.
Voices of Our Inspired Learners
Voices of Our Inspired Learners
أصوات متعلميناالمُلهمين
Discover how our comprehensive learning courses are transforming careers and driving success across every level of our organization
اكتشف كيف أن دوراتنا التعليمية الشاملة تُحوّل المهن وتدفع النجاح عبر كل مستوى من مستويات منظمتنا
Yasmine Uthman
Associate, Internal Communication
مساعد، التواصل الداخلي
Learning Pathways has been instrumental in guiding me through a diverse selection of programs available to enhance my technical skills. As someone committed to lifelong learning, I appreciate having access to specialized resources that enable me to develop new skills in areas of interest beyond my current role. I look forward to continuing this learning adventure!
لقد كانت مسارات التعلم أساسية في توجيهي عبر مجموعة متنوعة من البرامج المتاحة لتعزيز مهاراتي التقنية. كشخص ملتزم بالتعلم مدى الحياة، أقدر الحصول على موارد متخصصة تتيح لي تطوير مهارات جديدة في مجالات اهتمام تتجاوز دوري الحالي. أتطلع إلى مواصلة هذه الرحلة التعليمية!
Thanks to this innovative learning platform, I've discovered a wealth of educational opportunities that align perfectly with my career goals. The user-friendly interface and personalized recommendations have made it easy to navigate through various courses and certifications. I'm grateful for the chance to expand my knowledge base and stay competitive in my field.
بفضل هذه المنصة التعليمية المبتكرة، اكتشفت ثروة من الفرص التعليمية التي تتوافق تمامًا مع أهدافي المهنية. لقد جعلت الواجهة سهلة الاستخدام والتوصيات الشخصية من السهل التنقل بين الدورات والشهادات المختلفة. أنا ممتن لفرصة توسيع قاعدة معرفتي والبقاء تنافسيًا في مجالي.
As a professional looking to pivot into a new industry, this development resource has been a game-changer. The comprehensive catalog of programs has allowed me to explore different career paths and acquire the necessary skills for my transition. The flexibility to learn at my own pace has been invaluable, and I feel more confident than ever about my future prospects.
كأحد المحترفين الذين يتطلعون إلى الانتقال إلى صناعة جديدة، كانت هذه الموارد التطويرية نقطة تحول حقيقية. لقد سمح لي الكتالوج الشامل للبرامج باستكشاف مسارات مهنية مختلفة واكتساب المهارات اللازمة لانتقالي. لقد كانت المرونة في التعلم وفقًا لوتيرتي الخاصة قيمة للغاية، وأشعر بثقة أكبر من أي وقت مضى بشأن آفاق مستقبلي.
This online learning hub has revolutionized my approach to professional development. The curated selection of high-quality courses from reputable institutions has saved me countless hours of research. I've been able to upskill in emerging technologies relevant to my industry, which has already led to new opportunities within my organization. I can't recommend this resource enough for anyone serious about career growth.
لقد أحدث هذا المركز التعليمي عبر الإنترنت ثورة في نهجي نحو التطوير المهني. لقد أنقذتني المجموعة المختارة بعناية من الدورات عالية الجودة من مؤسسات مرموقة من ساعات لا حصر لها من البحث. تمكنت من تعزيز مهاراتي في التكنولوجيا الناشئة ذات الصلة بصناعاتي، مما أدى بالفعل إلى فرص جديدة داخل مؤسستي. لا أستطيع أن أوصي بهذه المورد بما فيه الكفاية لأي شخص جاد بشأن نموه المهني.
Learn With Our External Partners
Learn With Our External Partners
تعلم مع شركائنا الخارجيين
Discover a world of knowledge with our esteemed external e-learning partners who offers a curated courses and resources tailored to your learning journey.
اكتشف عالمًا من المعرفة مع شركائنا الخارجيين الموقرين الذين يقدمون دورات وموارد مختارة ومخصصة لرحلتك التعليمية.
“Udemy has helped being a massive resource of information, whether it is for understanding my field better or to further improve myself with the adequate knowledge.”
"لقد ساعدتني Udemy في أن أكون مصدرًا ضخمًا للمعلومات، سواء لفهم مجالي بشكل أفضل أو لتحسين نفسي بالمعلومات المناسبة."
Sagar Sreenivas
Coordinator, Shipping
منسق, الشحن
في يونيو
Our Faculty Members
Meet the Minds: Experienced professionals and multidisciplinary experts transforming the learning landscape
Zaur ShiraliyevZaur Shiraliyev
Joseph MattaJoseph Matta
Yara BaghdadYara Baghdad
Sharnali JaniSharnali Jani
Antoine ZeennyAntoine Zeenny
Mary Ann DerequitoMary Ann Derequito
Rawan AlbinaRawan Albina
Maria YuzonMaria Yuzon
Charity TshabalalaCharity Tshabalala
Yamen AlshibliYamen Alshibli
Benjamin EdwardsBenjamin Edwards
Zahra AlkhalsanZahra Alkhalsan
Shivangi SethShivangi Seth
Vedant NayarVedant Nayar
Maher JurdiMaher Jurdi
Rosamaria D'MelloRosamaria D'Mello
Leslie ChamenLeslie Chamen
Francesca OrtalizFrancesca Ortaliz
Farah KouatliFarah Kouatli
Nariman DhabanNariman Dhaban
Tarneem MohamedTarneem Mohamed
Nourah AlwaalNourah Alwaal
Maryam ShukriMaryam Shukri
Krastin DraganovKrastin Draganov
Maram MakkramiMaram Makkrami
Walaa AlmahrouqWalaa Almahrouq
Khalid AlmasarKhalid Almasar
Buthaina AlmuhaideefButhaina Almuhaideef
Muna AlqahtaniMuna Alqahtani
Maria ChaouiMaria Chaoui
Houssam YassineHoussam Yassine
Alina LatipovaAlina Latipova
Michaela ReillyMichaela Reilly
Mohammed AlmarhoonMohammed Almarhoon
Frequently Asked QUESTIONS
How do I update my profile picture?
كيف يمكنني تحديث صورة ملفي الشخصي؟
Customize your profile on Chalhoub University by adding your picture. Click/Tap on your name and select ‘My Learning Profile’. Choose ‘Edit Profile’ and in the ‘User Picture’ section, select the paper icon get started and select ‘Upload this File’
How do I enroll on a learning expedition?
كيف يمكنني التسجيل في رحلة تعليمية؟
The learning expeditions on Chalhoub University are either nominated or self-enrolment. Once you arrive on the course details page, you can click/tap on ‘Enrol Me’ to get stated with your learning immediately or select ‘Register’ to request access
How do I book on a learning expedition workshop?
كيف يمكنني حجز ورشة عمل لرحلة تعليمية؟
Once you have enrolled, you can sign up for one of the workshop sessions that suit your schedule. Navigate on the course page to the workshop activity and click/tap ‘Sign-up’ next to the session you would like to attend. If none are currently available, sign up to the waitlist and we will contact you via email once further sessions become available
How do I save my upcoming workshop to my calendar?
كيف يمكنني حفظ ورشة العمل القادمة في تقويمي؟
When you sign up to a workshop session you will receive an email notification that contains an iCal attachment. Open this attachment, set the reminder, and save.
I signed up to workshop, how can reschedule or cancel?
قمت بالتسجيل في ورشة عمل، كيف يمكنني إعادة جدولتها أو إلغاؤها؟
If you are not able to attend a self-booked session, you can cancel and rebook from the course page on Chalhoub University. Locate the workshop on the course page, select ‘View all sessions’ and click/tap ‘Cancel booking’. Enter the reason for cancelling and select ‘Yes’ to finish. Now you will be able to book on another date.
I signed up to virtual workshop, where can I find the link to join the session?
قمت بالتسجيل في ورشة عمل افتراضية، أين يمكنني العثور على الرابط للانضمام إلى الجلسة؟
The link to join the session and password would have been emailed to you when you signed up. You can view it in both the email and the calendar item. Please email Chalhoub.university@chalhoub.com if you are not able to locate it or didn’t receive one.